There is a lot of hate in America. And nothing is more indicative of that hate than siding with the cops over your own flesh-and-blood.
Like, to report your uncle to the FBI? Jesus. You are either completely alienated from your people, or that guy did something to you that still wounds you.
I can’t imagine calling the FBI on my worst enemy. Nevermind someone as close as an uncle.
likely ruining their lives permanently
But I want fascist lives ruined
a state sanctioned terror organization
But fascists should be terrorized
I was with the post but i gotta say all you comrades with good takes have changed my mind,
I just talked a friend who volunteered with me during the Bernie campaign into reconsidering calling off her engagement because her fiancé went to the capitol protest. He had always libertarian-leaning but was a hardcore Bernie supporter who at some point in quarantine switched over to just being a libertarian Trump supporter who thought the election was stolen and that marching on DC was important to defending democracy. Dumb and wrong, sure, but I can see how someone can end up there without thinking that that means they’re irredeemable and deserve to wind up in jail. Her family told her that they were going to turn him into the FBI and that they’d disown her if she didn’t end her engagement so she listened and did. Up until that point they had been able to agree to disagree about politics and were in love regardless and wanted a future together. Not every person who marched on DC is a fascist and turning your family members into the FBI for having dumb political beliefs in a system they have zero control over is flat out DERANGED. Period.
Totally. Anyone who isn’t a democrat or a communist is a racist who will inevitably abuse their spouse. Get a fucking grip lol.