My only hesitation here is that a lot of people are going to consider neurodivergent people “weird” at first impression and that that reaction is one that should be fought rather than followed unquestioningly.
Like I absolutely support following your gut when it comes to this but… I guess this is one of those areas where I feel that feminism that anti-ableism don’t intersect perfectly cleanly.
Counterpoint: Giving anyone a chance (that is trying to get to know them) is about basic respect and is cool and good.
I think there’s a middle ground here. Writing someone totally off cuz they gave a weird first impression is probably not a great practice, if only cuz you maybe denying yourself a good connection. But on the flip side, if they’re a decent person who’s just awkward and weird it should become apparent quick. If you still get weirdo vibes an hour or two in their probably just weird.
Giving people a chance is about getting to know them not letting them fuck you
False alarm, no actual s*x occured here
13 orgasms is bad luck, at least get it up to 14 smh
That weird guy? Albert Einstein.
Didn’t he have Aspergers? That alone would qualify him as the weird guy to most people.