I mean the weirdest man can buy and use a magic wand on his girlfriend, right?
I gave the one giving me weird vibes a chance and I was in a dissatisfying relationship for 6 months because I was too much of a dumbass to trust myself.
Some people here have jumped to conclusions so fast in the effort to dunk on a probable Nice Guy™/proto-incel that they broke the needle and looped back to asshole. Like this probably never happened because:
- Normal people don’t post on reddit (actually normal sane people just don’t post in general)
- Normal people definitely don’t post their sex stories to reddit unprompted
But leaving room for circumstances the stated events can happen. 13 is on the unlikely side but is in the correct order of magnitude. That a dude can’t cum easily through penetrative intercourse is more common than people realize.
but is in the correct order of magnitude
if we’re doing order of magnitude calculations here that number could get terrifying pretty easy :kombucha-disgust:
True but like people will get it what I mean. The formalist in me did just that right now so I don’t look like a fool. If people think the OoM of 4 is possible than by definition it’ll include 13 as well as 31. So I wouldn’t write a paper on it or anything but people will get it. Vernacular vs. Scientific context and everything.
Oh yeah, I get that and you’re right, I just think its a fucking hilarious way to talk about orgasms of all things. Catch me using estimates to make my mid-getting-dicked-down calculations easier lmao
Normal people definitely don’t post their sex stories to reddit unprompted
Speak for yourself
I think people like yelling things into anonymous voids. I think more people would be into posting personal shit (made up or not) on Reddit if more people knew what Reddit was.