Ya love to see it folks
this youtuber heard “neoliberal” and assumed that since they are liberal and also live in neo-times they must neoliberal. they did not even take the time to read the wikipedia definition of “neoliberal”
this is what the “dunning-kruger effect” actually is. it doesn’t mean stupid people think they’re smart, it means that ignorant people vastly underestimate the amount of knowledge and practice it takes to actually be knowledgeable or well-practiced. they are perpetually making shit up and winging it and they assume everyone else is too.
also lol at this comment
i think we have a different conception of what neoliberalism means… what that econonic system, first tested in my country, has done to all of south america is terrible, we basically struggle to have basic human rights in order to benefit industries…
I’m very happy that here in Chile no one thinks that neoliberalism is a left wing ideology, people rightfully call it «the Pinochet economy» and is associated with the authoritarian far right as it deserves. People that define themselves as neoliberals in the global north are a bunch of dumbasses that want to be colonized in their own land just like the global south is.
The thing is it works and its true more often then not, everyone is just bullshitting. Especially on the internet.
no, everyone is not bullshitting. there is a subset of the population who actually knows what they are doing and is capable of getting things done. that is why you have internet and running water and chapo.chat.
Yes and engineers and coders bullshit about things they don’t know about too. Its epistemologically impossible to not be full of shit
sure, but most of neoliberal society is bullshit and bullshit status games, and most people don’t actually know anything and just do bullshit jobs based on bullshit jobs to forward bullshit industries all day to justify oppression. most days the average american or australian or englishman won’t interact with any of that subset of people.
grandpa was a grifter, I got some pretty damn clear lessons in this very young. most people just go through the motions. they’re made so obedient with so little explanation that, even when they want to, they can’t adapt to fuck-all, and when cut off from the chain of command, just freeze up in tight stupid loops until they can get back to their own shit. it’s a terrible state of affairs and the people who perpetuate it are monstrous, and yes its maintenance DOES require the occasional competent person, but even there the competence is kept as narrow as possible so as to not shake the boat. the myth of the specialist is some shit. those people with broad competences inspire awe in the average fucker. I’m just on the border of it, and I scare people when I interact with family members and shit.
Oh shit she doesn’t know what neoliberalism is lol this is embarrassing. I feel sorta bad, it’s kinda like gleefully telling people you found out you’re a nazi because you think it’s short for “ashkenazi” and then being confused when people start shitting on you.
Behold, the exact median American urban dwelling uni graduate.
I hate that education can turn so many people into that, and that many people are forced to go into massive debt to be neoliberalized educated so you can be thrown into the “possibly not as overworked and underpaid but no promises” work pool. The fucked up thing is way too many of those people fucking love that idea, probably because of that education system saying, “That’s actually a great thing!”
I love learning but always hated school/college. Science teachers were generally cool (yes I’m a STEM grad don’t guillotine me please), but so many classes were just dumb, time wasters. Especially the business classes I took. Economics 201/202 was literally some of the dumbest shit I have ever heard until I took Marketing 300. I should have known they were signalling to me just how dumb and wasteful your future jobs will be as well.
Especially the business classes…
Definitely helped to open my eyes a bit more. Nothing like a whole class (marketing) where the point seemed to be 1) making something up and 2) finding some facts to support the made up thing and 3) convincing somebody with more money than sense to pay for the power point presentation.
Neolibralism supports a healthy safety net. :galaxy-brain:
the twisting of the definition of neoliberal will never sit well with me.
like on the one hand as person interested in linguistics I get that words change meaning and you just have to roll with it but on the other hand, fucking liberals never can be fucked to actually learn anything properly and just misuse shit based on how they feel about it goddammit stop