Inspired by a recent thread. I’ve seen a bunch of people advocating for no shampoo lately, and I want to get to the bottom of this.
Anti-shampoo people, show yourselves, I want answers. Should we all stop doing shampoo? Is it a thing for everyone or only certain hair types? Is it superior to good shampoo + good conditioner? Do you need to do literally anything with it if you’re doing no shampoo or just let it go wild? This whole thing flies in the face of everything I think I know about hair and I want ANSWERS dammit 😤
I shampoo when I red-dye my hair, so about twice a year, otherwise I just five it a rinse every once in a while. I’ve been doing this for about 15 years now and my hair is objextively fantastic
I haven’t used shampoo in the last year and my hair has never been healthier!
As far as answers go — I think it might work less well only for people with reeeally thin hair that can be easily be weighed down otherwise it’s really just healthier for your hair especially if it’s longer. If your hair is thick or dry it’s a godsend. Boars bristle brush is key — I’ve been told (not sure if this is true) that it’s really the only type of brush capable of moving oil from the roots through the ends of your hair so you’ll want to get into the habit of brushing with one of those every day. Really once the oil is away from the immediate scalp area your hair doesn’t look greasy. I “co-wash” with davines conditioner and hot water really helps to move the oil down the shaft. There is a thing called scritching but I find it annoying and I’m lazy so usually hot water is enough to move what needs to be moved. Conditioners still have a small amount of detergent in them but really I mostly do it for the smell/moisture and it makes my hair a little easier to manage. My hair type is very thick/dry/heavily processed. The first few weeks was kind of miserable and I thought I had a hair type that it just wouldn’t work for but once I got through that I’ve never looked back. I’m not a fucking weirdo about it though and every once and awhile it’s nice to wash with shampoo if the mood strikes but I save a lot of money by not needing to buy it anymore.
Just do whatever works for you. Everyone has different hair genes. For me, when my hair was shorter I never used shampoo, now that it’s longer I use it maybe once a week. No idea if it’s doing anything. Seems like whatever I do me hair turns out fine.
I love it when I go a week without washing my hair and my scalp starts hurting. Say no to shampoo. Everyone should have a painful scalp all the time.
Sulfates are the devil, especially with coloring.