And yet he comes and gets shown around by one of our Ministers in the middle of a crackdown against cyclists by our excellent police force.
Oh, and one of the places they were cracking down against cyclists is a place that that same Minister has a record of him breaking the “law” while showing that foreign dignitary around.
Fox got blocked after that :)
I’ve ridden with Mark Bailey before and he rides FAST. His PR for the Goodwill Bridge is 44km/h with 33 km/h average, and consistently well above 20km/h average for most of his rides. I don’t think you can wave all that away as a GPS glitch.
Ah, I was wondering why the discourse seemed to stop after 8 comments on that activity. Still, while I side more with Fox here than I do with Mark, I do think by hiding behind a pseudonym, Fox was not doing himself any favours. It’s hard to blame Mark for blocking him given that.
Yeah, the crackdown is dumb. I wish BCC would invest a few billion to improve infrastructure ahead of the Olympics. Wishful thinking probably.