I’m a sucker for non-flat UI themes. I’ve stuck to Adwaita for a long time cause it seemed to resist the trend of flattening everything, but recently I switched to GNOME 43 and now Adwaita’s fully flat too. Does anyone know of any nice and crisp skeuomorphic themes? (besides the elementaryOS theme)
Also, it seems there are currently 3 active themes on my system: the legacy Gtk 3 theme, the normal Gtk 4 theme, and the libadwaita gtk4 theme. I’ve only found a way to change the first of those three (via Tweaks)…
Simplewaita. Despite the name, it SCREAMS skeueo.
Maybe check this itsfoss.com list and see if anything catches your eye?
I can’t really suggest any specific themes; Every year or so I try a heap of different ones, they all annoy me in different ways, and I end up right where I started: using Adwaita again.
I can’t help you but I just came here to say that I also very much dislike the trend that everything has to look flat. Imho visual, simulated depth (through shadows, gradients, etc.) can make UIs look actually much cleaner, because hierarchy, grouping of elements and differentiation between buttons/text inputs and non-interactive elements is often much more obvious on first sight.