Permanently Deleted
every time I go to use one the sea of emotes swallows me whole and I drown in it’s dark abyss.
If you would like to peruse them more easily I did this
Can’t see emotes on mobile
(Insert agony emoji here)
Although I will say reading the emotes also brings joy ngl
I really like that the mega thread goes from sub to sub. Highlights subs I wouldn’t have joined and also provides some good leftist theory/takes. I appreciate that.
People are, on the whole, pretty kind. Like if you say something controversial you can get a whole chain of dunking. But if you post on the megathread about having a shitty day and just wanting to eat cake and read a book, you’ll get a bunch of people telling you they’re sorry to hear that, cake is great, what’re you reading, etc. It’s now become genuinely weird for me to go on Reddit and see people try to make the most mean-spirited, supposedly “hilarious” replies to the most banal posts. I’m glad the vibe here is different.
I agree, except for some users who post the ML version of the Marine pasta and start listing their communist credentials.
best pronoun-tagging solution I’ve seen on any social media, hands-down
I tend to not really pay attention to user names or tags, so it’s been a good reminder to me to be more intentional about being sure to use people’s pronouns.
Going between here and discord where pronouns are hidden in your user roles is painful. Like, just put it right there where everyone can see them.
I’m really bad about not reading the username of who i’m responding to because of permanent r*ddit-brain, and the simple addition of pronouns beside the user name has helped me remember that I am responding to a living-breathing human, even if they ARE wrong and stupid and I hate them.