“Yes we understand the problems but instead of tackling poverty and widespread hunger and pollution let’s just reduce 99.999% of the population by not having babies, which is a totally sensible way to solve the climate catastrophe”
These turds all think they’ll be part of the “few million” who survive and also think they’ll get to maintain their quality of life, as if it doesn’t currently depend on an exploitation of the global poor
almost like we have a profound ability to shape our own environment, in a way that fucking deer do not
We’ve consumed more than 1 earth’s worth of resources for over 50 years
what the fuck is this even supposed to mean
Okay putting aside “2 BS degrees” his education as an environmental geologist qualifies him to tell us what happened in the past based on the geological record. It does not give him any unique qualification to tell anyone what should be done going forward.
Massive lib alert: back in the day I read Hans Rosling’s Factfulness (a public health expert, funded largely by Bill Gates) and despite huge anti-communist sentiments in the book, there’s actually really good discussions on this stuff. Main takeaway for me is that there are a bunch of these issues most people are just entirely wrong about (like full access to abortion actually leads to fewer abortions). The argument made in this context is that over-population is a symptom of poverty, and a reduction of poverty ends the cycle of overpopulation, which is why we’re seeing massive decline in birth rates in rich countries.
So r*dditors, if you get turned on at the thought of reducing the world’s population, try socialism!!