by this artist I think. Ofc vote biden, harm reduction and all
reddit is straight up owned by the DNC.
google results for all known image sizes of this pic. removed for “misc reasons” on polhumor/presracememes/dankmemes/imsorryjon
and to you currently 14 people who down voted this whole post, get fucked libs.
Comrade I appreciate your art but I would like to stage agitation at polling places and decry the system for what it is - an electoralist psyop - upvote withheld to Combat Liberalism.
I will never vote for libs or accept moderate reformism, which is a watering down of communism
Generally, answers to this question try to look at the big picture of the many things that will be exactly the same under Biden and Trump, like imperialism, healthcare, responses to protests, global warming, and capitalism.
Really, Biden and Trump do have actual policy differences, that will hopefully impact some groups like LGBT people, but the big picture is identical either way.
This article talks about how voting is not harm reduction from an indigenous perspective.
Honest question: what makes Bernie a libleft rather than an authleft/center left?