answer: They are not ironic. They intentionally link to other actual propaganda subs like r/Sino. This is not a joke sub. This is another propaganda sub perpetuated by China to try to bring more people over to totalitarianism. Even if it is satire, it is impossible to distinguish because Poe’s Law. :sicko-speeeeen: HAAHAH YES
The delusion that China is obsessed with brainwashing Redditors into supporting China so that it doesn’t get destroyed is easily one of the most unintentionally hilarious bits Reddit has ever come up with.
I have to imagine like 95% (being conservative here) of the population of China doesn’t even know or care what Reddit is
I think the only people in China who knows about reddit are creepy expat dudes, who are angry that they can’t find a wiafu and say racist shit on reddit
Absolutely yes. But I have to assume there are Chinese netizens that use VPNs and since reddit is really popular, found it one way or another. I use to browse r/china (before the HK bullshit) and every now a person from China would actually post there to share some cool stuff about China. Or other times make fun of all the anglos being racist pieces of shit (exactly what you said, the expats.) But they definitely existed before that place turned into an even more reactionary hellhole that it is now.
I am honestly surprised that some of them haven’t been banned yet, given their endorsement of a philosophy that expressly condemns free expression and discussion
i love reddit
Fuckin r*ddit. Literally the dumbest site on the internet.
i think quora is slightly worse. today they sent me an email of a question, and its just “can someone with a 135 iq beat someone with a 190+ iq in any intellectual task?” for some reason its all intellectual wankery
I think there is an angle of explanation that could fit for at least a part of the group: some youngsters with chinese heritage, who are either born outside of china or live extensively abroad of china, are having an identity crisis as they reach adolescence and young adult stage.
Thank god Dr Hackenbush is here explain everything
Couldn’t possibly be seeing racists constantly attacking Asian seniors, getting fed propaganda about how we’re all evil brainwashed hivemind creatures who eat bats, or seeing the collapse of western society live while the motherland is improving infrastructure and reducing poverty.