If you remember Soul Coughing, this is that guy.
I have not thought about that band in at least a decade. Thanks, I’ll check this out after work!
Hey, a response! Merry Christmas to me! I was kind of laughing at myself for posting it because I think the last one I posted was newish solo work from Lou Barlow of Sebadoh, from the same 90s time frame and who you also probably have not thought about in a decade if you ever knew them.
One of my favorite memories from my younger days was taking a tab of acid and an unknown amount of mushroom crumblies on NYE, burying myself under a comforter and listening Built to Spill. I emerged from my blanket cocoon at midnight, right at the start of the guitar solo in Cleo, and all of a sudden I was smacked with the realization that the song was about the experience of being born. It’s super obvious if you listen to it sober but it really felt like an important revelation in the moment.
I know that’s not directly related to either of the bands you mentioned, but that’s always where my mind drifts back to whenever I dive into 90s indies rock. It’s been a while since I’ve been very into music so it’s encouraging to see that some of these guys are still doing their thing. Thanks for the trip down memory lane - I’ll be sure to check out some of Lou Barlow’s new stuff, too!