“Wait, social democracy is still just capitalist imperialism?”
“Always has been.” 👨🚀 🔫 :yuri:
I normally defend AOC, Ilhan, et al. I still think overall they are a net “good” by a long shot. But there’s no defending this take, nope.
Bro didn’t you abstain on the Armenian genocide vote?
Both moves are shitty and she deserves every criticism. But she’s still better than 95% of members of Congress on everything else and these statements are symbolic. The US will be anti-China regardless of what Ilhan Omar says and the US will be pro-Turkey no matter the minor snubbing they get.
Twitter user “YoungLibertarian” (with dont step on snek PFP) said: “You have been actually based today”
If you want the site to grow, maybe it’s time to not throw a fit every time someone famous talks about this.
She’s right about mass detention. No one was saying genocide here except you.
She abstained on the Armenian genocide vote ffs. She’s a joke. There’s more to this than just her having one bad take on a heavily propagandized matter
For what it’s worth, she did have a rationale behind that vote
If this place wanted to “grow” (by your obviously misaligned metric), should the transphobes and other bigots have been tolerated and hand-held here? Any growth that requires us to parrot & tolerate reactionary lies and other awfulness is not “growth”, it’s throwing this place in the dumpster with the rest of the trash.
Education is the right approach on this and most foreign policy issues, not censure. We have so little real influence on what China does (or even on what the U.S. does to China), so a bad take on a foreign issue doesn’t hurt anyone.