The main French state research organization (also the largest fundamental science agency in Europe), the CNRS, just came out following this bullshit; publishing a press release that said that islamo-leftism isn’t actually a thing, and moreover condemning the regular attacks on legitimate research work, notably on research covering domains such as “intersectionality, post-colonial study, and racism”. Not that it’ll change anything, it’s pretty clear where our government is headed right now.
Also, obligatory :france-cool:
What is “Islamo-leftism”?
If I had to read between the lines I would assume they’re trying to identify academics with pro-Palestinian sympathies.
But it probably also includes anyone who studies postcolonialisn, who is too pro-Middle East and not enough pro-France, who critiqued the French government for beaming racist cartoons on the side of buildings and thinking it was a sane and good response to a teacher being killed, or really anyone at all who ever thought Derrida, Sartre, or The Battle of Algiers made a few good points.
If I had to read between the lines I would assume they’re trying to identify academics with pro-Palestinian sympathies.
That was my thought too.
Reading the article (and the press release another comrade posted here) it sounds ‘Islamo-leftism’ is a francosphere version of ‘cultural Marxism’, i.e. it doesn’t mean anything really.
No. It’s what the French call “pointing out the nation’s historical and ongoing racism”.
I’m starting to notice a trend with this whole “lesser of two evils” thing
He’s trying to outflank LePen from the right lmfao.