The main French state research organization (also the largest fundamental science agency in Europe), the CNRS, just came out following this bullshit; publishing a press release that said that islamo-leftism isn’t actually a thing, and moreover condemning the regular attacks on legitimate research work, notably on research covering domains such as “intersectionality, post-colonial study, and racism”. Not that it’ll change anything, it’s pretty clear where our government is headed right now.
Also, obligatory :france-cool:
The Interior minister and Le Pen had a debate this week where they talked about this for the entire time, despite being in the middle of a fucking pandemic and the government has shit the bed on the vaccine rollout.
Also there’s a 6pm curfew so people literally wake up, go to work and then rush home to avoid getting fined for breaking it. It’s worse than the stupid forms you had to fill out to go outside, because at least then you could go grocery shopping or take a walk at 7:30.
Every time something happens that clearly shows the failure of the neoliberal order in France, the entire French media starts focusing on burkinis, or the head covering, or some other bullshit. This week it’s lies about Trappes, which is the French equivalent of chud reactions to Dearborn and the apparent Sharia law imposed there.
He still looks a bit cross-eyed.
People should also look up how much power Macron has centralized around his office the past few years, it’s nuts.