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Hey, remember when that cyberattack fucked up Venezuala’s power grid and the usual suspects were banging on about it basically being a sign intervention was needed?
I mean fair’s fair. I reckon this means Venezuala gets a pop at invading and drone striking Texas. They can even use the Obama administration rules and count anyone with a gun as a combatant.
I beg your pardon, but this is incorrect. The Obama administration rules are that every man aged 14-65 is a combatant. Guns are optional for that - after all, that kid could probably use their cellphone to build an IED or something. You really never know.
Libs will be furious and demand the definition to be changed to include all gender identities to end sexism and transphobia in imperialism.
The CCP budget for making America look bad is the same amount as the CCP budget for making the sun rise each morning.
I, too, was disappointed when I found out that Xi is in the pocket of Big Sun.
Many experts agree with this fact.
Source: /pol/ copium
:xi-lib-tears: deal with it.