It’ll be amazing to see the great firewall be brought down and have the internet be flooded with Chinese accounts countering the barrage of western propaganda, only for America to respond with putting up their own great firewall because of “foreign interference.”
White people and complaining minorities existing ruins things. Name a more iconic duo.
nah, the firewall helps China
the firewall makes it so that the average Chinese person doesn’t experience the stress and the associated timesink of having to debate with a peabrained white supremacist about literally every single basic fact ever
I honestly think this is the main reason for the firewall. It’s just ignoring the idiots, except the Chinese government goes one step further by preventing you from knowing that the idiots even exist in the first place, so that your time is spent more constructively
It also helps them develop their own sovereign Internet ecosystem. They have their own search engines, e-mail providers, social networks, video sites, that can develop at their own pace without being trampled by giants from Silicon Valley and being subject to their algorithms like in the rest of the world.
Believing China doesn’t have a capitalist-driven Shenzhen and doesn’t have a robust, sophisticated set of their own algorithms to contain and deliver social media is bewildering to me.
If the 100 million CPC members number is accurate, then I don’t think they’d have a hard time just destroying ever self-professed white supremacist (or nationalist or whatever). Not to mention what the billion+ other Chinese will do.
this is dope, also every single one of these people has better living conditions than me
i’m just commenting to remind myself to watch this later
What do you want them to do lol, it’s not like they haven’t invited people to come see what’s happening in Xinjiang for themselves.
love to call chinese people who post CPC positive content loyal social media footsoldiers.
Yeah. Party/state loyalists… who spread party/state media… on social media.
It’s not magically more true or better just because you don’t say wumao out loud.
disseminated by our loyal social media foot soldiers.
Getting called this by Western Leftists and “50 Centers” by the Chuds is the true centrism.
Disgusting fucking comment. I’m sorry, what the hell?
Imagine recording yourself with a little statement you prepared before because you’ve been made aware of the disgusting and dangerous propaganda that’s being said about you and your region, and someone who’s supposed to be your fucking “ally” in the west shits a comment calling you a “social media foot soldier”.
“Professionally cut films”, i’m sorry, I guess those videos aren’t poor enough, are they supposed to be recorded on an old camcorder with parenti-level audio and a shaky-cam effect for them to be “authentic”?
Did you not notice recently the meme-spree a lot of chinese social media went on about the BBC, making BBC joke videos, parodies, etc… in response to the shitty propaganda the BBC was putting out? So the whole social media thing people participated in was all a fucking chinese state op then, is fucking everything a chinese state op?
How do people not realize the auto-justification of this “chinese state is a terrifying totalitarian entity that can control and do literally everything” narrative? You can literally show chinese people say or do anything and it will be interpreted as the fucking chinese state somehow being behind it.
Nothing that can be said or shown will ever be good enough, it doesn’t matter how, when and by who, it’s a lie, they’re lying, it’s the chinese state, people are afraid of speaking out. It doesn’t matter that this playlist of videos is literally just different youtube accounts, none of them are recorded in the same way or with the same hardware, they don’t have a common “script”, and they all seem to be in response to specific statements by pompeo and even have an accompanying hashtag that normal social media users would interact with and make videos about, you know like in US or everywhere else.
It’s fucking tiring.