And the spirit fled from them, and they split among hills and forests to find her, all grieving that they had become a villainous people. Hrol and his shieldthane were the only ones to find her, and the king spoke to her, saying, I love you sweet Aless, sweet wife of Shor and of Auri-el and the Sacred Bull, and would render this land alive again, not through pain but through a return to the dragon-fires of covenant, to join east and west and throw off all ruin. And the shieldthane bore witness to the spirit opening naked to his king, carving on a nearby rock the words AND HROL DID LOVE UNTO A HILLOCK before dying in the sight of their union.
When the fifteen other knights found King Hrol, they saw him dead after his labors against a mound of mud. And they parted each in their way, and some went mad, and the two that returned to their homeland beyond Twil would say nothing of Hrol, and acted ashamed for him.
Those guys watched their king fuck a pile of mud so hard he died and they went insane from it
I’d love to see the overlap of old r/chapo & r/teslore users.
Man, becoming a moon really downgraded Mannimarco’s writing.
better explanation than tryna figure out wtf UESP is tryna say that shit took so long and too many reddit posts for me to understand wtf a dragonbreak was