Don’t get me wrong, learning is important, but I don’t have tons of fond memories of great learning opportunities in school.
I had my first year of Uni last year and I honestly did not learn anything the entire year and went into thousands of dollars of debt for literally no reason.
Without the social aspect of school and its ability to create a practical learning environment its literally worthless.
Get used to it. It does not get better.
If you want to learn in Uni, stick to doing the bare minimum. Take the easiest classes possible. Then go to the library and find books for what you actually want to learn.
The internet is also good. 50% of university learning is “Here’s a project, now google everything you need to know so I don’t have to give a lecture.”
eh im fine with that
the inability to be social outside of zoom and discord is what really bummed me out. Spending a year without having any friends reminded me of some not so pleasant times in Middle School and I had to keep delving into Marxist theory about how we NEED to be social to be human to keep myself sane.
In my last trimester I didn’t even do that because i was so done with this fucking online learning shit :doomer:
I haven’t been in a classroom in years and so far the most lasting consequence from high school and college are the semi-weekly stress dreams where I’m desperately late for a final in a class I’ve never been in. And according to basically every other older adult, this literally never stops happening.
Real healthy education system you got there :agony-deep:
Oh god… why do I still get those? Like yo you just decided to not go to class for your final? Why would you do that?
I had a professor who told me the teacher equivalent of these dreams:
One day, towards the end of the semester, you find out there’s a course you’re supposed to have been teaching this whole time. You rush to the classroom, and all the students are there, waiting patiently. You now have a semesters worth of content to teach in one lecture.
Schooling needs a major overhaul as they haven’t changed much for…centuries.
As they are now they’re more for teaching discipline and obedience than anything else. Personally, I think the prison-like environment of current schools breeds contempt and fear of learning rather than nurturing it.
When I see how schools are supposed to look post-Covid, it makes me sick. They look like dystopian bio-prisons – I cannot fathom the psychological damage it would cause a person to go there. No socialize! No touch! Only ‘learn’!
I could be wrong about this one – or overly sensitive. I’ve talked with a kid in my family going to school and she mentioned how she played soccer during lunch / PE. But she also talked about how they couldn’t share pencils and a lot of rules about touching surfaces. Idk, it just seems atomizing and sick-making to me.
the school system in the US and much of the west is based on generating factory labor, most of the practices are rooted in the late 1800s. it is another factor in maintaining the reserve army of labor, only a small portion of the population is allowed to develop specialized knowledge through established means.