Don’t get me wrong, learning is important, but I don’t have tons of fond memories of great learning opportunities in school.
hmmmm actually there have been zero progressions in the field of pedagogy since Prussia established their standardized education in the 18th century
I’m not really sure the answer to our current learning daycares, but the way we do it now is awful and not the answer.
One thing we could do is remove 95% of administrators. Maybe teach children about how to properly socialize and build community. Let kids explore their environment. Don’t make them sit for hours at a time having to listen their teachers drone on and on.
Exactly, let them explore and discover the world. That’s what learning is all about!
Libraries are the most important part of any school. They’re what gives you freedom to explore.
We were not allowed to go to the library during lunch, before or after school, or at any time unless you were going as a class or you had a pass from a teacher. I wish I was making this up.
My school was like a prison tbh. Seemed like psychopaths were in charge and only taught/policed kids as a way to exert power and authority they couldn’t exercise elsewhere in life.
Idk. Personally, as a kid I wouldn’t want to learn how to do taxes. I’d rather take the integral of a polynomial function.
I had several of these classes in middle and high school, and it ranges from Jordan Peterson style “rules for living” to “practice doing office work”. The latter can be actually useful and fun, if done well and for a job you’re interested in, but I also don’t want the entire school system geared around that.
I haven’t been in a classroom in years and so far the most lasting consequence from high school and college are the semi-weekly stress dreams where I’m desperately late for a final in a class I’ve never been in. And according to basically every other older adult, this literally never stops happening.
Real healthy education system you got there :agony-deep:
Oh god… why do I still get those? Like yo you just decided to not go to class for your final? Why would you do that?
I had a professor who told me the teacher equivalent of these dreams:
One day, towards the end of the semester, you find out there’s a course you’re supposed to have been teaching this whole time. You rush to the classroom, and all the students are there, waiting patiently. You now have a semesters worth of content to teach in one lecture.