Wait, Alexander Reid Ross wrote this?!
That dude is a loon who sees Nazbols under every rock. I can’t believe I didn’t read the byline. This isn’t even the first time he’s written this article!
You can read from exile to dirtbag here, from 2018. It’s the exact same thing - guilt by association, in this case basically playing “knee bone connected to the shin bone” to equate Richard Spencer, Limonov, and…the Chapos.
We’ve been getting breathless articles about how CTH will lead to red fash taking over since they started. It’s wild how people who consider themselves good leftists don’t recognize that shit like this is just like how CNN panics over Fox News. It’s the journalism industry competing with each other by trying to convince the audience the other guy is bad. Also chapo used to literally make death threats to people in the media as a bit for the first 10 eps or so. Of course these kinds of people hate them. They can’t sell their brand of “left” journalism when the ebil brocialist left shits on them and makes them look foolish. These people live on selling their credibility as left-whisperers to larger news outlets.
Comment shamelessly stolen from the TrueAnon sub:
Radio War Nerd discussed him a bit a few years back when they did an episode on the UK military intelligence unit working to censor “fake news” or “Russian bots” or whatever it was back in '16 and '17.
Radio War Nerd EP164—Garibaldi in Latin America + Spy Scandals from MH-CHAOS to Integrity Initiative
At 59:00 Ames talks about the recent scandal over the British intelligence-backed Integrity Initiative’s covert propaganda operation using friendly media figures to target westerners critical of the new Cold War hysteria, including UK opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn. New revelations about Integrity Initiative show that the operation has already moved in the US, and one of its hired speakers has already attacked both the War Nerd and Ames, as well as having smeared previous RWN guests Rania Khalek and Max Blumenthal. To give this domestic spy scandal story some context, Ames recovers the history of the CIA’s illegal domestic spy operation, MH-CHAOS, which began targeting Ramparts magazine and eventually expanded to spying on and disrupting hundreds of thousands of antiwar Americans. The program ended when Seymour Hersh exposed it in 1974, leading to the creation of the Church Committee.
Referencing a piece Mark Ames had recently published with Max Blumenthal at the Grayzone, Covert British military-intelligence smear machine is meddling in American politics, documents reveal. Ross was a speaker at a conference put on in December 2018 by a UK military intelligence front organization. So congrats, Brace and Liz, you’re finally big enough to get psyoped.
Host Hasan Piker exclaims, “And that’s how we tie this neatly back to the QAnon Conspiracy. There you go.” “Which is 100 percent correct,” Belden jokes. “No,” Liz and Hasan say. “It’s 50 percent correct,” says Christman, more seriously. “It’s like, 30, 40… 30 percent,” says Belden.
Lol not only are they using TrueAnon (a podcast ostensibly about Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile cabal) as the lefty Qanon podcast (instead of the vastly superior and WAY-more-easily-percieved-as-problematic QanonAnonymous) but they also (wrongly) claim Hasan Piker is a co-host?
Who wrote this dogshit article?
I feel like they’re confusing the podcast with one of Hasan’s streams. I may be misremembering, but I could swear like spring last year Hasan had all three of them as guests one evening. I could be wrong though.
A quick google search of “Brace and Liz on hasanabi” brings up a tweet from Mehmet
I think you figured it out!
QAA has only over the past year really gone mask off on the socialism, though. Before then, I’d have them down as “generic lefties”.
By “problematic” I meant you could make a better case they are crypto-fash by virtue of them getting caught up in the Q bans, going to Trump rallies, “promoting Q content,” etc. but what you say is very true.
Also the fact Travis and Julian have gone on “reputable” MSM outlets like CNN probably tamp down on any accusations levied against them.
Yeah, I’ve seen some folks try to use the photo of Julian with the Qanon shaman against them, but…they’ve taken Qanon seriously since the beginning. They’ve absolutely earned those appearances and reps as experts, and I think you’re absolutely correct that they’ve got too much “mainstream cred” for that article to come for.
Oh! I just realized, the writer can’t come for QAA cuz Will Sommer is buddies with them.
“I don’t know what a Holocaust denier even is.”
— Norman Finkelstein, who also recently guested on the TrueAnon podcast
Literally doing the exact same scumbag media smear bullshit tactics Finkelstein described on the episode in question
Yeah, there was a lot of hasty backtracking in the 80s when Irving went off the deep end. He’d been known for doing good work in the German archives before that happened.
How did he go off the deep end? Like, how did he go from respected historian to Holocaust denier?
Also Jewish Chronicle smeared labour members who supported Corbyn (and of course smeared Corbyn in general).