- Any white male, or just any male, especially someone like Tim Kaine
- Hillary
- ?
Anyone in the Republican party, bonus points if it’s Jeb!, but I feel like Mitt Romney was a possibility at one point.
I just think Romney runs as a Democrat in '24 if someone like Tucker Carlson is running as the Republican nominee.
I know I was not born in los Estados Unidos de América, but I have offered many times to be interim vice president for Mr. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
He finally wrote back last week a very short message. This message said “we have other plans por you, jack. Hope you like privatizing oil ;)”.
Does anyone understand the meaning of this message? None of my letters to Mr. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr have mentioned petroleum and I am worried there was mistranslation.
I have made this comment before, but it is something that stays with me as I would make a very good interim presidente for any country which needs one. Ojalá lo entendiera más claramente.
Now listen fats, I’m not gonna tolerate you claiming I’m some kind of yankee imperialist ghoul. the only kind of puppets I’m interested in are the ones we used to have as a kid, those old punch and judy shows they’d put on down at the community theater.
God those were such a conniption, we really lived it up.
Bernie Sanders to see chapo.chat’s reaction
listen jack, we’re going to clean the democratic party of revisionists and liberalism. no dog-faced pony soldiers for the elite will survive what I’m planning. That mao guy was good, but he didn’t go far enough with the, you know, the thing.