In 08 I was a little too young to be politically active but I always understood that Obama convinced a ton of people that things were gonna change, and was able to put a friendly face on the American Empire.
Nowadays theres definitely a lot of people just happy that the orange man is off the television, but sleepy joe has negative charisma and hes already doing really bad with the stimulus bill and is openly refusing to reverse trump policies like closing the camps.
Am I accurate in this or am i just trapped in my commie safe space?
this time in 2009 the mood was still pretty excited about Obama and the possibility of a public option
from where I’m sitting nobody thinks anything good is gonna happen now
This administration sucks but it’s leagues better than the flaming train wreck of 2009. People really do not remember how shitty and conservative the Democrats were in 2009 compared to now. Obama bragged about putting three Republicans in his cabinet, the most nominees from the opposing party of any president in history. Imagine if Trump just let the Democrats run one-seventh of the government for no reason.
At this point in 2009 Obama had asked Bush’s defense secretary to retain his post in Obama’s administration. Imagine if Biden had just told the Trump guy “hey you’re doing a great job wanna stick around.” Rahm Emanuel was Chief of Staff. Larry Summers, a right-wing austerity hawk, was Obama’s top economist. Eric Holder, A Reagan appointee who defended Purdue Pharma, was the attorney general. Arne Duncan, a notorious union-busting school CEO ran Education. None of those ghouls (except Eric Holder) would be confirmable today because the left is powerful enough to block them.
The Democrats of 2009 would not have passed anything close to resembling Biden’s covid relief bill, which was still not enough as it was. The Democrats, while still not nearly left enough, have moved leaps and bounds to the left of where they were in 2009. It is not Biden apologia to admit this. In fact, it is Obama apologia to deny it.
Biden has done so much more to help people than Obama. Even the paltry ass shit he has done. Worlds better than Obama. Obama immediately bailed out Wall Street and bankers to the detriment of homeowners. Biden is good on trans rights so far.
Yes, foreign policy wise, Biden sucks, but one strike is different than Obama’s continuation of the wars. Honestly I think we pay too much attention to one minor strike and not enough attention to crippling sanctions on Iran and Venezuela that have caused many many more deaths and much more misery that Biden could unilaterally wipe away and has not
Also worth noting that by the end of 09, Obama announced a surge in Afghanistan. God knows what Biden’s surge will be, maybe even another surge in Afghanistan.
Here’s something interesting too, it’s a stunt by the Yes Men
You’ll note that they mention how the media is saying how Obama needs to return everything to normal. This shit has all happened before my dude.
Obama’s campaign promised change. They were mealy mouthed enough so that you could fill in the gaps yourself. People expected to end the war, do healthcare, and other stuff. But almost immediately it began to go the other way. I mean I guess at least Biden is as-is. They didn’t put much effort in pretending to change things.