this is not serious btw. i like probably half the movies listed. maybe it serious then idk
also The Thing is the best sci-fi movie ever don’t @ me
@JoesFrackinJack The Thing is the best sci-fi movie ever.
I was about to get so angry when I saw sopranos on here until I realised it’s about lame whit guys misinterpretations of these films
I’m Arnold in T2 because T-1000 is literally an allegory for the LAPD
well goddamn, i’m not giving you hexbear gold right now but this is pretty fucking good. briefly, what would be your second tag if you don’t mind
He’s the viewpoint character, which is enough to make some people assume you’re supposed to like and admire him.
I had a fucking English teacher mark my definitions of protagonist and antagonist wrong cause of this. Luckily I was 14 and totally not having that and got that inconsequential point back
i tried to find Rome on a torrent site and it wasn’t there, so if I’m wrong to assume it’s trash lmk
I’m not trying to bait or annoy people. Honestly just thought it was funny. I’m saving private ryan for god’s sake
edit: it’s almost as if many of these big films are universally loved by people. it doesn’t mean they are actually bad or you should feel bad for enjoying them. i’m actually using it as a list to rewatch some classics i haven’t seenin awhille