This includes the entire Servo team which was working on its next generation web engine that was supposed to be Firefox’s ticket to staying afloat in the future. Servo also popularized the Rust language afaik
Aside from Servo, they also axed the entire threat management team, because why would a browser need threat detection and incident response, amirite?
Relevant links:
CEO gets 2.5 million fucking dollars
They even ruined Mozilla (edit: and when I say ‘they’ I don’t mean anything weird, I mean people running things laying off 250 people and not being able to even do a token gesture of slightly lowering their massive ‘compensation’)
And then Google ran the web
Mozilla is essentially the only thing that is stopping Google from being in complete control of web standards. Chrome, Edge, Opera, Brave, etc. all use Blink, Google’s browser engine.
So yeah, this is very worrying.
I used Vivaldi for a month when FF75 came out.
Then Lichess broke and I found a userChrome hack that fixed the address bar.
that second HN thread… isn’t bad… I’m kinda surprised.
Honestly, I find HN to be a mix of insufferable techbros as well as a lot of level-headed folks with nuanced takes
just have to know which threads to avoid i guess
generally agreed and I also find it useful to keep tabs on which way the SV bourgeoisie are moving on things / what they’re telling themselves (less so in recent years as they used to use the platform much more heavily in the past). but that also means I don’t expect topics like executive pay to be trash fires and this time it wasn’t.
IMO this just makes the Linux desktop more important.
We may soon have a tech world where the majority of apps are written specifically for a Google platform, imagine Chromium + Fuschia. Most users will have little ability to create content, or access the internet, besides consuming corporate media. If we want technology that can benefit independent creators, radical movements, and decentralized organizations, we need to be able to build it ourselves.
Luckily Linux is improving. GTK4 + gtk-rs + Wayland + Flatpack give us a halfway decent platform to build with IMO.
This sucks ass.