There’s around 100k posts and 1 million comments as of now, so it’s pretty easy division to find out how much of the site is your own posts and comments (check your user page, it keeps track). Personally, I’ve made around 0.35% of the site’s posts and 0.17% of the site’s comments, how do all of you stack up?
2% of posts, 1,3% of comments.
God i need to log off
With the mains down everyone’s running off of backup generators. You have to know your post-amperage to interface correctly with the rest of the grid.
Have they closed main before? I don’t remember. Also I just think it’s interesting, I don’t want to argue about using the power wisely or whatever
less than 10 posts, less than 100 comments… feels good
my score is 3/100
1.85% of posts and 0.20% of comments