So Dan from Game Grumps (aged 42) is getting cancelled for supposed grooming. I don’t want to say he’s not a groomer, because theres stuff about other alleged behavior that isnt detailed at all in it.
But like the story presented is that a 17 year old fan started messaging him. He thanks her for her support and wishes her a happy birthday when she turns 18 about a month later. Then nothing is shown until the fans 22 and they exchange some cringey sexts. Then apparently they fuck and he breaks things off. And everyone’s calling this grooming, but like, that’s not what grooming is? I donno, it just feels like people really have been stretching definitions of things for the last year like with that Alex Morse thing to take advantage of cancel culture. And it seems like it only causes people to ignore victims who are actually groomed.
I saw some people saying Jon is best grump and I’m all like bruh, he is a Nazi.
The parasocial effect is way too strong with him. His fans deny him being a Nazi even when he literally says he doesn’t want immigrants cause they taint the gene pool.
His videos were legitimately funny until he started hinting at being a massive fucking racist (which, to be fair, was pretty early on)
libs killed cancel culture when Biden was exposed
Alright, lukewarm take on this stuff… having sex with someone that’s like half your age is a bit creepy, no doubt, but like…
a 22-year-old is a fucking full-grown adult. It is a grown-ass person who is out in the world, working, paying bills, paying taxes, drinking beer, voting, and doing all the other things that adults do. An adult has the right to have sex with whomever they desire, as long as they are both of age and are consenting, and there’s not any kind of coercion going on. What is the issue here?
Over the past couple years I’ve seen this ‘grooming’ and ‘age gap’ discourse growing and growing on Twitter and like… I just don’t get it. I’m mid-twenties myself and the idea that I shouldn’t have the right to fuck a 45-year-old if I want to is like… kind of infantilizing, is it not?
IDK, im just not getting it. Why, out of all the stuff that is happening in the world, should I choose to concern myself with a consensual sexual relationship between two adults, just because the age gap is usually large?
Famous people should only fuck other famous people, it’s just cleaner that way. There’s an implicit power dynamic when you’re famous and the person you’re fu king isn’t. Not saying that the power dynamic makes these accusations more credible, but that it really does create a one sided thing. I’m sure him blowing her off felt a lot worse than a regular blow off because he was famous.
Basically, ban groupies, stop fucking fans idiots.
In this case, the power comes from her being a fan since she was a child. He’s been a very popular YouTuber for like a decade plus now, so 20 year olds were watching him when they were in middle/elementary school. He knew she was one of those fans and should have avoided that situation.
Basically, anyone who likes you for reasons related to your fame is a dangerous situation. Doubly so if you were a formative influence on them (even if it was just poop jokes all the way down).
And using your 100k twitter followers to get sex is weird, don’t do it.
He gives me more “wannabe rock star fucking groupies” vibes then “groomer pedo” vibes tbh.
People should honestly know better either way, and by people I mean youtubers
It can be, there’s definitely a power imbalance. But I would be hesitant to say every instance of someone hooking up with a celeb like that is exploitative in nature.
It’s messy because I don’t want to deny any agency to people who might just want to fuck someone they’re attracted to and admire, but it can definitely be exploitative
Hell, having sex with anyone without paying them is a form of wage theft.
…Most sex work is a form of exploitation on both sides no i will not cede my time onlyfans is not praxis.
No, you see, my sex time is worth $x, and their sex time is worth $x, so in a two way consensual relationship, the wage cancels out. I could pay them $20 and they pay me $20, but we’d just be exchanging $20 bills.
you’re right, but this is such a reddit ass post no offense sweaty