:doomjak: :biden:
I’ve got a democratic bone for all of you
This has as much energy as “President tweety”
This is being taken completely out of context.
The next lines in the chatlog were
DiamondJoe💎🍦🌊: I could change that.
DiamondJoe💎🍦🌊: 😏
主席 嘻嘻: omg 😳
Democracy is when you live in a purple state and you’re suburban and white and you get to pick whether a decrypt corporate goal or a soulless career climbing weasel can come up with the most jingoistic neo-fascist media campaign, but then the Supreme Court decides the winner anyway so you never even really mattered to begin with.
I mean thats the same even in a more horizontal federation like structure. You think Rojava or whatever doesnt go “shut up we voted on this” after a decision arises at a more regional level from delegates voted at lower level structures. Even if they dont tell you to follow the decision of the general org you are part of and you dont have post decision choice on wether you implement it or not. The struggle is in the process of taking the decision and the debates and disagreements made there before proposals are put forth and during them being voted. But thats also true on demcentralism.
I dont know if you think that “we voted on this” means “5 unacountable old beuracrats did”. That cerainly has been true in some eras and parties in the last century . But also wasnt for even more and it fanctioned, even problematicaly, in line with how it was supposed to. Im sure in a 90 million pople party of the largest country in the world at this stage both of these things are happening in different regions and levels of the party. There is well implemented mass line and demcentralism in many circumstances as well as broken and undemocratic beuracratical one. Idk how these contradictions would have been solved if the CPC decided to organize itself in a non demcentral way. They have been there in other forms of leftist organization through history as well