It’s really disappointing seeing someone getting upbears for saying that if you don’t read theory, you’re a counterrevolutionary liberal.

I can’t even get out of bed in the morning for like 3 hours, let alone make time in my day to read after the pile of stuff I have backed up that I need to do.

Am I the only one that feels this way?

33 points

Try some good faith and assume whoever is speaking does not expect disabled people to perform actions they cannot but also does not feel the need to point it out because they assume it is a given. I know that is not how the world works but as leftists it’s how we want it too and this is a leftist website.

22 points
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12 points

I think we should dedicate a bit more effort towards seeing each other in good faith and developing a bit of thick skin, partly for the sake of making sure we don’t crumble when actual foes are messing with us.

1 point

I feel like if I had worded this comment less diplomatically, it’s the sort of thing one could be shunned and banned for. And I think that’s a problem.

13 points

Thanks but genuinely that’s not my immediate assumption, and then even more so, my question was to the people in this comm, because I am affected by a comorbidty of adhd called rsd, something people here understand very well, and for you what could have been taken in good faith, couldn’t for me, not because I’m not being charitable, but because I couldn’t help but feel ashamed about something I had no control over.

And I’m not even trying to call you out, but telling me “maybe you should just act in good faith” when I came to a comm to ask people who have similar experience a question, doesn’t really come across in whatever way you’re trying to have it come across, unless you’re just being mean about it.

7 points

Well I have autism, adhd, anxiety and bipolar so I am a member of this comm just as you are. I suffered from avoidant personality disorder for along time becuase I was so sensetive to rejection. I honestly do understand what it is like. It’s not my immediate assumption either it is a learned response I built up over a decade of fighting my anxiety to help me face the world. My first response is always fear or shame or doubt but I have trained myself to dismiss that first thought as just my illnesses and instead choose to have have good faith in my fellow humans and tell myself that people are being kind to me. Or atleast try to. I don’t always succeed I still have lots of problems I am not facing because of shame and guilt in my life. I am getting better at it the more I try.

I was just trying to share what helped me. I’m sorry I probably could have worded myself better but communication is not my strong point since I spent over a decade not doing very much of it. When ever two people communicate there is always miscommunication as everyone has different persepctives. It takes a dialogue to get to the truth and sometime that dialogue is with two sides of yourself. You are on a leftist website some part of you must beleive humanity is capable of being nice and helping each other and working together for all our betterment. You just have to nuture that part of you. I do know how hard that is and I know it is daily struggle and I am sorry if I sounded dismissive of your stuggle.

6 points

Ah, okay, my bad. No, looking back on it, your advice is helpful especially with you mentioning about this being a learned part of your perspective.

Other than that, I apologize for assuming you didn’t know what I was going through because if I hadn’t assumed that, then your initial post would have made sense. Idk why I assumed that too, probably because I’m working in “real life, no one understands this” mentality, but you’re right.

Your insight here was incredibly helpful, and I think I’ll go forward being able to be better about things since I’ll probably be like “just remember what septbear said, don’t assume your immediate emotional reaction is how people view you.” It’s been a life long struggle of mine, and I only recently (like maybe 2 weeks ago) was diagnosed with adhd and RSD, and so it’s been like “I have all of the validation that I have ADHD + RSD but none of the work has been done by myself to now reframe my life experiences and build reinforcing strategies.

I want to stress that I apologize for the portion of my response where I essentially said “you don’t know what I’m going through!”, because if I had exercised a bit of good faith, I wouldn’t have immediately assumed you weren’t working from an informed perspective.

23 points

No one is calling you out or any neurodivergent comrades. Literally just engage with what you can and however you can to contribute to revolution.

It is not totally impossible to engage with theory in the 21st century with all the tools available to us now. I’ve said there are books, ebooks, audiobooks, YouTube videos, podcasts, lectures, there is literally a Das Kapital Manga.

We literally talked in the comments in my post and I privately messaged you apologizing and explaining things. Wtf?

11 points

Yeah, but look at what comm you’re in and the question I asked. I was asking the people who usually are here.

I wasn’t stirring shit or trying to slander you, you did dm me and were good, but I made this post asking other nd comrades for validation, because, maybe (key word) something you don’t know, is ADHD comes with other comorbidites of which I have 1 of them: RSD or rejection sensitivity disorder.

Almost no posts here blow up, so it’s not like I was expecting to wake up to a whole thing. If we’re acting in good faith, please try and understand that almost nothing here ends up going onto everyone’s active feed lol.

4 points

there is literally a Das Kapital Manga

also iirc it was criticized for making karl marx too hot, making it harder for students to actually learn from it.

19 points

You don’t need to read theory, at least not directly. The problem is people actively shitting on Marxist theorists like Lenin and Mao like V**sh and the Reddit Anarchists, who are very obviously counter-revolutionary.

Just participate in discussions around Marxism and you’ll get a clearer and clearer picture as you go. Human knowledge has been disseminated for thousands of years through discussion.

19 points

ADHD is fucking weird like that

even the simplest shit like me deciding to get some water and 20 minutes later I realize that I’ve been doing something else instead of getting the fucking water

and then 40 minutes after that I find myself cooking dinner!? WATER :screm3:

17 points
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You know that thing where every few months you passionately find a new random hobby and are life or death serious about it until you hyperfocus on it so much that you feel like you’ve immersed yourself in it completely, regardless of how much you have or haven’t actively engaged in it but just learned about it, and then one day you wake up and it’s gone and you pick a new thing for a few months ?

😳 I really need to go get tested, every time I hear people talk about their experiences with ADHD it matches my behaviors to a T

5 points

Haha I would totally not recommend you visit r/adhdmeme. It was totally not relatable to me as a undiagnosed ADHD person. Just funny memes haha.

4 points
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3 points

Use your often crippling curiosity and poor prioritizing as a weapon against yourself if you can. :)

That’s honestly how I know everything I know now, You have some great advice and I look forward to using it to get even more based

4 points
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Create post

What is Neurodivergence?

It’s ADHD, Autism, OCD, schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, bi-polar, aspd, etc etc etc etc

“neurologically atypical patterns of thought or behavior”

So, it’s very broad, if you feel like it describes you then it does as far as we’re concerned


1.) ableist language=post or comment will probably get removed (enforced case by case, some comments will be removed and restored due to complex situations). repeated use of ableist language=banned from comm and possibly site depending on severity. properly tagged posts with CW can use them for the purposes of discussing them

2.) always assume good faith when dealing with a fellow nd comrade especially due to lack of social awareness being a common symptom of neurodivergence

2.5) right to disengage is rigidly enforced. violations will get you purged from the comm. see rule 3 for explanation on appeals

3.) no talking over nd comrades about things you haven’t personally experienced as a neurotypical chapo, you will be purged. If you’re ND it is absolutely fine to give your own perspective if it conflicts with another’s, but do so with empathy and the intention to learn about each other, not prove who’s experience is valid. Appeal process is like appealing in user union but you dm the nd comrade you talked over with your appeal (so make it a good one) and then dm the mods with screenshot proof that you resolved it. fake screenies will get you banned from the site, we will confirm with the comrade you dm’d.

3.5) everyone has their own lived experiences, and to invalidate them is to post cringe. comments will be removed on a case by case basis depending on determined level of awareness and faith

4.) Interest Policing will not be tolerated in any form. Support your comrades in their joy!

Further rules to be added/ rules to be changed based on community input

RULES NOTE: For this community more than most we understand that the clarity and understandability of these rules is very important for allowing folks to feel comfortable, to that end please don’t be afraid to be outspoken about amendments and addendums to these rules, as well as any we may have missed

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