It’s really disappointing seeing someone getting upbears for saying that if you don’t read theory, you’re a counterrevolutionary liberal.
I can’t even get out of bed in the morning for like 3 hours, let alone make time in my day to read after the pile of stuff I have backed up that I need to do.
Am I the only one that feels this way?
it’s not adhd, no one reads theory
Use your often crippling curiosity and poor prioritizing as a weapon against yourself if you can. :)
That’s honestly how I know everything I know now, You have some great advice and I look forward to using it to get even more based
You know that thing where every few months you passionately find a new random hobby and are life or death serious about it until you hyperfocus on it so much that you feel like you’ve immersed yourself in it completely, regardless of how much you have or haven’t actively engaged in it but just learned about it, and then one day you wake up and it’s gone and you pick a new thing for a few months ?
😳 I really need to go get tested, every time I hear people talk about their experiences with ADHD it matches my behaviors to a T
One problem I’ve noticed is that Marx is a very bad writer he’s a good economist but one of the worst writers ever
Marx is not a terrible writer. He is very precise and has an incredible economy with words. He’s also not an economist, he basically said economics is an ideology. In Capital he showed how the categories of political economy like money, profit, wages, value etc all arise from social relations between people, while economics studies these as though they are facts of nature.
I would really suggest putting in the effort to read Marx, it is entirely worthwhile IF you are genuinely interested in communism. It’s really not that difficult. It may be boring, but you need to put effort into it and engage with the text.
I think there’s a lot to this, because I study math, which similarly has this quality of being “exceptionally specific and hard to read”, but because it gives my brain happy juice I’ve found myself consuming all of it as quickly as possible. Now that isn’t so easy, because of how math requires a lot of practice, but I haven’t stepped away from it yet. But I do find that less applied things are not as fun, whereas things like Chaos Theory
I think I’ll try to trigger this “letting theory sink its claws into me” thing and hopefully I’ll still have time for at least some things (like math!)
things that give a historical or event based lens to set the mood and the setting and develop interest before they really get into the super heavy theory and formal logic based stuff.
You know, I’m sure a lot of comrades with ADHD would love if there was a reading/listening/watch list for theory that fits this description. I’m not saying this to you specifically but in general.
I read some books by Blatchford who while having many horrific ideas was also a professional writer and able to lay out the merits of socialism quite well
You don’t need to read theory, at least not directly. The problem is people actively shitting on Marxist theorists like Lenin and Mao like V**sh and the Reddit Anarchists, who are very obviously counter-revolutionary.
Just participate in discussions around Marxism and you’ll get a clearer and clearer picture as you go. Human knowledge has been disseminated for thousands of years through discussion.