Telegram has voice chats now and Discord is just terrible privacy wise.
Telegram isn’t the best obviously but it’s miles better than Discord and it got a lot of features which should make convincing friend to switch easy
Telegram is used widely in Europe I believe. Good luck getting your friends to switch off discord. It is impossible to get people to take even the most insignificant action for privacy in my experience.
I use signal with the few people that have any opsec awareness.
all my friends use either fb messenger or instagram dm or whatsapp and it’s all just facebook. I wish teens found it really cringe and embarrassing to let FB spy on you
Are you aware of Telegram’s many features? You can use that to entice them.
Telegram just needs to be nationalized and fully encrypted and it would be the ultimate messenger app, the user experience is a full 10/10
edit: caveat that nationalization has issues, since it depends on which country is the one owning it. I’d pretty much only accept it if it’s Cuba, or maybe a random Carribean tax haven (still not the best). Federation would be better, but I think you get the idea.
Nearly all chats on telegram have the same level of security as discord. Only ‘secret’ chats are end-to-end encrypted. No group chats are end-to-end encrypted.
They tout themselves as secure because they use TLS for data transfer which discord does as well. The only difference is that if you manually enable a secret chat they can’t read those messages. They can read and listen to everything else.
And I didn’t mention security or E2EE in the post for that reason… just check the privacy policy of both apps.
Because a lot of Discord users won’t consider them good alternatives to it. Element is adding a feature equivalent to channels in Discord but it doesn’t have Discord’s voice chat.
I use telegram and discord a lot and they’re not useful for the same things. I got my mom to download telegram and I call her on it while in my apartment bc reception sucks. An hour call only used 7% battery compared to a normal call using like 25% in the same time. It was great.
For gaming and hopping on and off calls? Not as great, the benefit of discord is the chat room thats always on.
Did you check the new voice chats feature?
Honestly at this point who cares if my data is taken they already know everything worth knowing about me