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In other boat related news, a migrant boat capsizes killing at least 81 people seeking a better life. Basically no mention when compared to the reaction to the sub.



If you address tankies directly I recommend going for broad-strokes arguments and questions and refuse to let yourself be dragged into areas that can’t be wikipedia’d quickly

The tankies are the propagandized people. Not me who doesn’t want to learn and research new things about history that might change my opinion. Instead the vague bad things I’ve heard all my life from being submerged in anti communist propaganda that I can just reference to bring up a narrative in the minds of average americans are the best argument. (The difference in effort put into just saying “Molotov Ribbentrop pact nazis and soviets allies” vs having to actually explain the historical context of the lands, the soviet gestures towards the western allies, the immediate effect of saving lives, etc really proves how the tankies are the closed minded ones)

They will either deny it, at which point they disagree with Stalin which means that he did, in fact, do things which were not right, which is inconsistent with what they believe in, tankies who take it up to 11 by declaring themselves (and of course Stalin etc) infallible

Uhh yeah stalin did do things that were not right. He stopped at Berlin. Seriously though, it’s obvious stalin made mistakes. No inconsistent positions here.


Don’t really care about the nazi collaboration regime, but hopefully the socialist path for finland will be based. I’m imagining fighting the northern front liberating Norway and Denmark. (And maybe preemptively invading Sweden) I wonder how the socialist path for Norway will work though. Will the soviets join the war in 1939?


“Another kkkrackkker down! Unlimited genocide on the first world!”


invented by Stalin’s Minister of Trade and Torture, Atanas Mikoyan.

seems odd to portray Mikoyan as some evil Stalinist when he was a pretty important part of the destalinization gang.

while the French original is made with candied fruit, almond extract and other bourgeois additives the proletarian Plombir bears no trace of such extravagances.

In the absence of competition, there was no incentive to improve the product when the most basic variety was good enough for the masses.

Hmmm yes the obvious reason why this very unimportant consumer treat isn’t flavored is because of ideological reasons/because they didn’t bother to innovate because of communism. Could it perhaps be explained by simply comparing the USSR with any other developing country? Where is the ice cream for the people in the slums in the outskirts of cities? Where is the ice cream for the people dying of cholera? Oh wait right. They don’t get the treats that westerners take for granted. The soviets simply tried to treat their people better than the impoverishment forced onto developing countries even though they had much bigger issues to be preoccupied with (foreign support for the subversion of their state) so they did it cheaply.

Several years ago, I myself ran a Plombir taste test on my very American son and the results were quite conclusive. He deemed it the most boring ice cream he ever had and refused to proceed beyond the second bite. But Plombir’s malign influence on Russia’s brains hasn’t abated.

Actually, having a full large pizza for lunch is actually good and salads are bad because my child liked one and disliked the other. Like your child has actively been propagandized to love flashy looking foods and wrappers with twirls and shit since they saw their first phone or tv. And they’re also ingested way more sugar than a soviet child manipulating your child to like to eat junk with way more sugar than this old ice cream recipe. And one of the “benefits” that was mentioned by you was that they supposedly used fresh, natural ingredients without chemical additives making it more healthy. Obviously that would make an American kid dislike the product because of what they’re used to.

Also apparently Ben and Jerry’s supports Putin! I actually remember something about them and Israel. I just don’t remember if it was backlash because they were against Israel or backlash because they were for Israel.


Crazy how every time I hear about Woody Guthrie, I put him more and more on the left in the imaginary politics scale in my head.

Typical patriotic American “hero” with his colonization song -----> progressive folk hero who is misunderstood in mainstream -----> Traveller sympathetic to communism ----> Would be considered one of the most tankie of tankies.

Like he apparently wrote this song:

I see where Hitler is a talking peace
Since Russia has met him face to face
He had just got his war machine a rollin’
Coasting along and taking Poland
Stalin stepped in, took a big strip of Poland
And gave the lands back to the farmers.

A lot of little countries to Russia ran
To get away from the Hitler man
If I’d been living in Poland then-
I’d been glad Stalin stepped in
Swap my rifle for a farm…trade my helmet for a sweetheart.

Without the power of hindsight, I don’t know if how I’d have reacted. But Woody was correct if he wrote this.


Real online leftists know the secret lore of Paddington. https://nitter.lacontrevoie.fr/FuknSlammer/status/1630251930437156866#m


Hmmm How did the rest of the Patton’s quote go?

“We may have been fighting the wrong enemy (Germany) all along. But while we’re here (on the Soviet border), we should go after the bastards now, 'cause we’re gonna have to fight 'em eventually.“

I wonder why the neoliberal here didn’t mention the entire quote.


In the scenario, the person can either put 5 mil in SVB, lose it, and then get it all back without any worry or they can put that 5 mil into another bank and if it failed, they would lose that 5 mil.


Fuck Marry Kill Phil Ochs, Utah Phillips, Moody Blues (Idk why Moody Blues is even brought up I listened to them once solely because of jojo) but pretty interesting question regardless.


Your spotify was mid-nineties-flannel-shirt-american folk revival-overload bad.

Thank your obsessions with Red Hot Chili Peppers and american folk revival (e.g., Phil Ochs and Phil Ochs) for that. Based on your listening habits, I can also tell you your Spotify was… adult-skateboarder bad But wait, it gets worse: You listen to these too much: I Kill Therefore I Am by Phil Ochs I Ain’t Marching Anymore by Phil Ochs I’m Going to Say It Now by Phil Ochs The Butcher’s Sher by Daniel Kahn Too Many Martyrs by Phil Ochs You stan these artists to an uncomfortable extent: AJJ Phil Ochs Utah Phillips The Moody Blues Teen Suicide You are 10% basic. Utah Phillips and Daniel Kahn? Where do you even find this?. You’re stuck in the 2000s. You’ve gotta get over All the Dead Kids by AJJ.
