CommunistBarbie [she/her]
Does anyone else ever think about dying? Bimbo Marxist.
that’s saying nothing of the disproportionate response of hollywood to Will Smith afterwards. I mean his career is going to be fine and he still has more money than god.
It was just really telling how much more harshly the industry reacted towards him than many of the transphobes, predators, and sex pests in Hollywood.
This was inevitable. Chuds had moderate success in Tennessee and are applying the same tactics elsewhere. It’s already been established from those leaks earlier this year that all of these transphobes are communicating with each other and are organizing.
The good news is that so far reactionaries are completely overplaying their hand and pissing off everyone normal. This is genuinely radicalizing huge chunks of queer people and progressive libs.
This is another example of why the “porn = evil + addictive” brainworms are so dangerous. I’ve seen this same ideology dressed up in the language of anti-capitalism sometimes and it is extremely dangerous.
Comment I made a couple days ago:
Dudes blaming porn are just horny, feeling guilty, and then pathologizing themselves and their own libidos.
Porn addiction is as real as addiction to any other media or behavior. You could in theory wind up with a compulsion or something, but it’s not really an addiction.
What does happen to a lot of chuds is that they’re taught their libido and emotions are demonic. Then every time they’re horny, they feel like they’ve morally failed. In many cases, they feel they’ve failed against a literal demon that is now able to “possess” them.
They then associate guilt, self-loathing, and failure with getting off and the natural cycles of their own libido. Tie that in with misogyny and blaming women / queer people for their own “failures” and yeah :yikes:
Basically it’s a self fulfilling recipe for winding up as a fuckwad. That (guilt => orgasm reward => guilt) loop is what gets to religious people like this and turns them into virulent misogynists / queerphobes / etc.
The guilt loop is useful for controlling people and teaching them to invest in patriarchal systems, so conservatives naturally encourage it. There is a huge and very profitable industry built around “curing sex and porn addiction”.
These brainworms are entirely something people can work through too, but many won’t when they think it’s how god wants them to be.
If you genuinely believe that re-enforcing behavioral patterns of emotional self harm every time your libido spikes is actually you triumphing over demons in an act of literal spiritual warfare then… yeah.
heads up that the twitter account dunking on Peterson is a right wing nazbol / TERF who is pissed Peterson is making them look bad.
@Slatzism is in a similar category as even more rightwing cumtown/stupidpol chuds. They half-assedly pretend to be dirtbag leftist, but lets the mask slip regularly.
commenting this because they fooled me for a bit until i dug into their replies and mentions.
what the fuck chris.
chris rock has been publicly harassing jada pinkett smith for years ever since she turned down his advances and decided to date will smith instead.
Will Smith snapping at the oscars was not from that single shitty / sexist joke. it was the tipping point after years of Chris Rock being a shitty resentful incel and not shutting the fuck up.
misogynists should be afraid of consequences.
:chris-rocked: :halal: :chris-rocked:
Full support for Zooey Zephyr. I’ve met her in person and can vouch she’s a comrade who understands politics inside the imperial core. She managed to get elected as a trans woman, with an explicitly liberationist name, in fucking Montana.
The chuds expelling her would be a godsend. She’s read Lenin and is already using this shit as a pulpit lmfao. Godspeed.