Dalek Thal
Guy who finished a law degree for some reason. I didn’t mean to, it just kinda happened
Honestly mate? Buy it. This isn’t a AAA game; this is a AA game made completely independently, without microtransactions or lootboxes or any of the many bullshit practices of modern gaming. The studio deserves your support.
It does have a multiplayer component, but it’s co-op. The game can be played in its entirety either way, and indeed, the single player experience is fantastic. So’s the multiplayer experience. The former is similar to Dragon Age Origins, and the latter is literally Dungeons and Dragons. Both are fantastic, and both are worth playing.
Don’t skip it. This is a deeply special game, and if you’re sick of the AAA bullshit, a great way to show the greater industry is by supporting it. Vote with your wallet.
Developers can go get fucked. They never build in places that need it, they only ever build awful things with no aesthetic, architectural or, to be frank, livable value, and they are constantly tearing down community buildings in the name of a quick profit. The Preston Market is great for the community, and indeed far better for it than Colesworth ever was.
Fuck the developers, and frankly fuck capitalism and its endless shitfuckery.
Strongly advise staying away from the city today; RMIT Open Day has everything at a standstill, it’s pandemonium out here
Buses delayed by fifteen minutes, and yet we’re expected to pay $10 a day for them? Get fucked PTV, all I want to do is get to my damn job and some days it just makes it impossible!
Was threatened by a methhead on Separation Street out Northcote way this morning. I’ve reported it to the cops (who actually took me seriously, I’m kinda shocked), but is there anything else I should be doing? On my way to work right now but feeling super unsafe.
Got a source on the child labour thing? Not doubting you, but as a non-American I’m confused as to how the hell youse aren’t in open revolt.
EDIT: Responding individually later. In short, fuck. In long, thanks all for sending me those links, I’m gonna go wash my eyes out with bleach and attempt to un-know all that I now know
Meanwhile, my boss refused to give me a raise because “we don’t take inflation into account” and “your coworker was using his phone, and therefore you might be”.
Frankly, if they get a payrise for doing fuck-all, I should be getting at least equivalent for busting my arse and producing some of the best results for the company in a decade.
Also, fuck the fact that we don’t have legislated consistent payrises. If we legislated wages being directly tied to inflation, life would be much easier.