Dalek Thal
Guy who finished a law degree for some reason. I didn’t mean to, it just kinda happened
Australian culture is one founded on racism. What disgusts me is while the yes campaign is trying to do something about it, the no campaign is fighting for the status quo and then arguing that they aren’t racist.
The cognitive dissonance of the no side astounds me; there were actual Nazis marching towards Vic Parliament yesterday, and they were waving no flags. Is that really the kind of person no voters wish to stand with?
I feel though for us yes voters it is our duty to push back against this shit. To actually push back against Murdoch and his bullshit. To talk to family members, and cut them off if they keep doing this shit.
Ultimately, everyone is capable of racism. The problem is the refusal of no voters to truly consider how they are racist, and then to improve.
Having a moment where I’m suddenly aware that there’s going to be a day where my cat passes, and it will be sooner rather than later as she’s getting old, and there’s nothing I can do to protect her.
She’s been a constant companion for a very long time, and I’m not ready for that day.
How the fuck do youse deal with these kinds of feelings? First time in a long time that the waterworks kicked off and my anxiety is doing shit I really am not okay with
Finally got out of that fucking tutoring role! Finally no more being absolutely fleeced by a boss who pulls in 200K a year but absolutely can’t give a raise in line with inflation because they don’t take inflation into account.
Today is a good day, goddamn
this is inequitable
Not what equity means. Equity refers to equal access to the same opportunities. Put simply, due to their post-genocide, White Australia Policy and “Breeding out the Black” (real campaign) numbers, Indigenous Australians completely lack representation in Parliament. Therefore they lack access to the opportunities your average Australian (regardless of race) has. An Indigenous Voice to Parliament will make things more equitable, not less, as it will provide access to the same opportunities of representation that the rest of us have already.
Have you got ship parts in your cargo hold? That’s usually the problem I have
Graduated! But also, goddamn, they were super cheap with the celebration. The bar was closed after just 90 minutes - by the time I’d got my degree framed, they’d already closed the bar.
In summary: very excited!
This is a shit outcome. It’s not surprising, but it’s shit. To the Indigenous Australians amongst us: I’m sorry. I hope one day Australia will show you the respect and care you deserve.
Ultimately, I’m angry. Angry at this country, really. We need to be better than this.
Meanwhile, my boss refused to give me a raise because “we don’t take inflation into account” and “your coworker was using his phone, and therefore you might be”.
Frankly, if they get a payrise for doing fuck-all, I should be getting at least equivalent for busting my arse and producing some of the best results for the company in a decade.
Also, fuck the fact that we don’t have legislated consistent payrises. If we legislated wages being directly tied to inflation, life would be much easier.
A summary of my viewpoint:
I am enormously sick of the no campaign brigading every discussion with terrible arguments in bad faith.
I have yet to encounter a legal expert, or for that matter, an Indigenous Australian who is accepted by their community, who is opposed. Similarly, the law is my degree. I’ve spent five years of my life studying it, and although I’m not a graduate yet (two units to go), I’d think I’d know more about this shit than Joe from bumfuck nowhere on Facebook.
There is no case for a no vote. None whatsoever. The change would not grant special rights to Indigenous Australians. It has been repeatedly explained by both lawyers and politicians. You can read the change yourself. It has to be a constitutional change, because that protects it from being outright removed by successive governments, which is the very thing that happened to the previous body that performed this role. By definition, it is not racist, as racism refers to negative treatment on the basis of race or ethnic background, and not differing treatment. This is one of three steps proposed by Indigenous Australians towards reconciliation, and isn’t the endpoint. If it fails, it will be the endpoint.
When the colonisers arrived, Indigenous Australians outnumbered colonisers. Now, they make up just 2.5% of the population. We are driving them to extinction. If this fails, by the time we get around to trying again, it is likely the genocide will have all but been completed.
Ethically and morally, a yes vote is the only choice. Legally, it is the best choice for change.