ElmLion [any]
Skull-man does a very good job of debunking this. The US made some big boomy bombs and were desperate to try them in action and prove to the world how badass they were, so instead of negotiating with a terrified Japanese government looking for a way out, they bombed them. Then while Japan was scrambling for any kind of negotiated settlement, they bombed them again.
Even if this weren’t the case - so what? If Japan was ruthless and never going to surrender, killing a hundred thousand civilians would not have changed their mind, and is not the way to win a war, it’s just gruesome. Absolute fucking atrocity. America continuing its more-fashionable-at-the-time genocide plays.
True fact all African children starved to death before the invention of cobalt mines
This has already happened. People born when Reddit started are in further education or in work.
Honestly, the younger generations have a massive swing in the right direction, and young people are more often than not caring more about rights and quality of life than chasing big mons, so the more they dominate the scene, the better.
I don’t blame Ukraine or their government for fighting back an invasion. Invading countries sucks, Russia is not a good guy (nor is the west). And I can see why you’d fight back on it even if you’re almost certain to lose. However.
I do blame them for deliberately spending 8 years where they refused to seek peace on their civil war and instead opt for endless deaths and fighting.
I do blame them for refusing to accede to the basically ONE requirement of both Minsk agreements which was to give eastern regions a fucking vote on self-determination.
I do blame them for seeking NATO membership and majorly increased militarization, basically openly ‘poking the bear’ so to speak.
I do blame them for continuing not to even consider negotiation of any kind, almost certainly at the behest of western governments, and consider total victory and counter-annexation (contrary to the citizens’ wishes) as the only possibly acceptable outcome.
Give me $20m and I’ll give you the conclusions of this study without the middleman. The result will be “poor people just don’t bother to earn money so it’s okay to punish them and to change nothing about society :edgeworth-shrug:”.
“Are people actually complaining that the game portrays the USSR too positively? Do they think it was a cartoonishly evil hellscape where happiness and anything positive was outlawed?”
Yeah, it forever astounds me how 95% of all western people, with no exaggeration, believe this.
And when the merchants set up in the temple, Jesus said: “Come one, come all! Get ye’ holy loans at lowest-ever rates!”
TBH I feel like videos and instances of (especially 'merican) cops gunning down innocents without any fucking justification is pretty regular. George Floyd one just happened to go big for a variety of reasons. However disgusting this one is, I highly doubt it’ll end with much furore - Especially if it’s already been successfully suppressed this long.