Elohimbo [he/him]
Because it’s the new replacement snarlword for “tankie” and will spread to include all Marxist-Leninists and anti-imperialists more generally. Patsocs make up maybe 0.00000001% of the population but get a ton of attention because they are clowns that are obviously stupid, so they will be a useful outgroup later to label people with (similar to nazbol, etc)
You can get mad at this take, but we’ll see in a couple years if radlibs are calling us Maupinites/MAGA Communists/Patsocs. Already get called a Putinist, Assadist, Nazbol, tankie, etc. Cant wait for libs to overreact about this one and absorb another label to use
A Ukrainian airfield got flattened, not sure why it wasn’t already. Heavy missile strikes, I heard the Motor Sich factory got hit at night. This is pretty big deal as it’s a major part of Ukraine’s entire economy and one of the biggest producers of certain engines in the world. Turkey won’t be happy about that one.