Elohimbo [he/him]
A Ukrainian airfield got flattened, not sure why it wasn’t already. Heavy missile strikes, I heard the Motor Sich factory got hit at night. This is pretty big deal as it’s a major part of Ukraine’s entire economy and one of the biggest producers of certain engines in the world. Turkey won’t be happy about that one.
Because it’s the new replacement snarlword for “tankie” and will spread to include all Marxist-Leninists and anti-imperialists more generally. Patsocs make up maybe 0.00000001% of the population but get a ton of attention because they are clowns that are obviously stupid, so they will be a useful outgroup later to label people with (similar to nazbol, etc)
You can get mad at this take, but we’ll see in a couple years if radlibs are calling us Maupinites/MAGA Communists/Patsocs. Already get called a Putinist, Assadist, Nazbol, tankie, etc. Cant wait for libs to overreact about this one and absorb another label to use