FALGSC40K [he/him]
I forgot to bring food to work today. I found some sandwiches in the trash though fuck spending money on food.
I whispered to myself, “this is praxis” as I ate them
If we will see comunism in america it will be because some trillionaire failson faling ass backwards into it.
Communism is about the most moral way to use resources. Not about accumulation of resources. That is why china is doing dengism. That is why it is working.
And everyone who is mad about red fash state capitlaism has been hit by some psyop to keep us from being effective.
So wait, you are telling me that china makes everything. The means of produxtions are in china. They seized the means of production. And now tbe west is to hollowed out to resist because have de industrialized? Hell fucking yeah comrades
What do you call two thousand dead businessmen? A good start.
Nah. They dontbhave the guts to do it.
Fucking if a car gets taxed a truck shouldnget taxed 4x as much. Run amazon into the ground.
But somehow they are going to be exempt and it will be easier to get your grocieries from them than go to the store
I mean, that had happeneded several times with other similar viruses untill this point. Remember how they cought Sars, and mers, and got those locked down and isolated? Turns out they been good at this for a while
Through the sheer power of china being way larger than us in every possible way even though we don’t realize it. They get viruses transmission events more than we do.