FuckItNewName [they/them]
News flash: ethnic identity is cultural, not genetic. If you’re a Euro-American and don’t carry on any traditions from your immigrant ancestors, you’re just white now.
Genetically, I’m probably only like 1/8th Italian, but my family is still very much run by my Italian matriarch of a great grandmother. I speak a little outdated Sicilian (dialect from prior to the Italian unification), I have a whole cook book of family recipes and I know how to deviate from those recipes to make them right. I know the stories of my family’s immigration and how my grandparents and great grandparents met and the challenges they faced with their parents not wanting them to marry (Protestants and Catholics, Italians and Swedes, etc). I’m Italian-American, for better or for worse.
I know, I know :anti-italian-action:
But here’s the deal. I describe this to so many other white people and it’s just so foreign to them. The idea that my “nuclear” family includes my aunts and uncles and cousins. All the family time we engage in. Having family stories. Apparently a lot of white people don’t even know stories about their parents’ lives, which is really weird to me. I can tell you stories about my great great great grandmother when she was living in a convent in Sicily. I know the name of the town and a description of a few of the buildings, or at least how they were like 100 years ago. I’m definitely white. But I also feel white culture in a way that other white people don’t seem to because I have something else too. I’ve always been confused when people say white people have no culture, first because I knew my family had a culture and second because I knew that broader whiteness was different and had its own characteristics.
It’s hard to explain to people whose families are fully atomized and also to actual Italians. I have very little in common with people today who grew up in Italy. The language I know isn’t modern Italian. The food I know was developed based on what was available in America and was a mix of regional cuisines. I think it also exemplifies how even people who are tied to their immigrant roots are still tied to a settler culture. My experience is shaped much more by being the descendent of immigrants than by being from Italy specifically. And I definitely have inherited a lot of the material benefit of that as well. Not a ton, but it’s enough to see the difference.
Young men are killing themselves at disproportionate rates for the same reason they’re overrepresented in all other forms of physical violence: on the whole, men are bullied out of developing emotional coping skills. Do I need to post the bell hooks quote? I’ll post the bell hooks quote istg
He knows Twitter can still see them, right?
people who use preferred pronouns
I wonder if Steven Crowder has any preferred pronouns
NGL as soon as I saw it was foster kids, I believed it immediately. The amount of abuse foster kids face in the US is harrowing. Even if this one isn’t true, this shit happens. But this reeks of a cover up to me. They prosecuted the accusers for perjury and threw them in jail
Some more Hillary Clinton quotes on trans people:
I do think there is a legitimate concern about women’s lived experience and the importance of recognizing that, and also the importance of recognizing the self-identification [of trans people]
There are women who’d say [to a trans woman], ‘You know what, you’ve never had the kind of life experiences that I’ve had, so I respect who you are, but don’t tell me you’re the same as me.’
Reading through these interviews, it’s also pretty clear that the writers are cleaning up her quotes for her. She refers to “woman” and “trans woman” as mutually exclusive categories. I guarantee she’s referred to “the transgenders” at some point. Regardless it’s complete TERF shit
It’s domestic policy, so he’s allowed to be good on this one
Holy shit they’re straight up going to delay the vote until after the midterms
Edit: btw, the machinists union, IAM, voted on and rejected the TA, they also voted in favor of striking. They are clear to strike on Sept 29. Media is silent.
Contrapoints being interviewed by Hillary “Democrats seem to be going out of their way to lose elections by elevating activist causes, notably the transgender debate, which are relevant only to a small minority” Clinton (and yes that’s a direct quote)
Hope she made it count