
Ganonplorf [he/him,comrade/them]

2 posts • 95 comments
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Don’t worry about it. Thanks for the info, I’ll check it out :stalin-approval:


I am so sorry you are going through that. My only advice would be to focus on not buying those, you can’t binge junk if you don’t have junk at home.

If going cold turkey on those is too painful, you can keep a few as rewards or plan out a cheat day. Basically you have to learn to function without them by exerting some control on binging sessions. It’s fucking hard, but discipline is something you learn, you are not hopeless. Accept that you will fail to control yourself sometimes, but if you keep at it, you’ll get better.


To really help you, I would need to know what objective is. I will assume you are training to get stronger.

One big point when training for strength is to keep in mind that rest is as important as working out. That’s why you should take care to have one day off at least between sessions. You can still exercise if you want, just don’t do strength training, cardio or flexibility exercises are great for your off days.

Another problem is your choice of exercises seems strange to me. Why so many shrugs? Pushups already work the shoulders and there are many barbell exercises that work the shoulders. When you create a routine, you normally follow 1 of two methods: full body or split. Try to reorganize your routine following one or the other and see how you feel about it (do you perform better? Is your workout more enjoyable? Are you more focused…).

A quick note on failure, you do not need to go to failure every time. That’s a good way to hurt yourself actually. To ensure you are going “hard enough” without going to failure is to lift 75% of your max (meaning you do very few reps, like 3-4 max) or, for body weight exercises, use a harder variation of the exercises (if you are doing squats, work toward pistol squats…).

Finally, about crunches, simply they are pretty bad, they hurt your back and do not train your midsection correctly, try leg raises (with bent knees if they are too hard), ground wipers (for the lats), jackknives and the like. Here is a book with a ton of exercises for your abs: http://library.lol/main/8FFA880F23F23D222FEDE7E111303E56

This is of course just my opinion and if your routine works for you then keep doing it.


I get that. When you search for information online remember that the fitness industry is completly fucked by terrible marketing. A vast majority of what you will find is pointless shit that won’t do anything at best and hurt you at worst. Stay prudent and good luck with whatever you do :rat-salute:


First thing, you are NOT the problem. Please remember this. The problem is the workout you are doing.

Being weak and awkward is normal, you are just starting out, you just need a routine adapted to your needs and goals. Speaking about that, what do you want out of working out? Think about it seriously because that determines what you should do.

If all you want is be stronger, look healthy and not feel like you are dying anytime you have to do some manual labor, I would say a gym is mostly superfluous especially if you hate going there.

Bodyweight training works great for many things and you can practice anywhere. It will make you learn to control your body, reinforce your joints and allow you to learn some cool tricks like handstands or bridges (if that’s your thing).

However doing BW training is not just about doing push ups, there are a number of exercises you will learn to master by doing easier variations until you can reach the hardest ones (like one legged squats and one handed handstand push ups). If you are interested, I have books for you.

Read Al Kavadlo’s books, Zen Mind, Strong Body and Pushing The Limits mainly, if you have the time read Diamond Cut Abs from his brother Danny, him and his brother are masters of calisthenics and they have been coaches for years. I like their approach because it is more from the point of view of someone who wants to have a life outside of working out. The books are not long and full of images showing the exercices. A few things though: listen to Al’s advice, respect the journey, even if an exercise seems too easy, do it seriously at least once to make sure you are ready for the next step; the beginning sucks and you will feel ridiculous doing the easiest exercises but they are needed to reinforce your joints and teach you the basics; we are all built different and making some minor adjustments to exercises because you are not comfortable is okay, as long as you do not compromise the general form of the movement (like keeping your ass up when doing push ups is bad, having your hands slightly closer or farther than shown in the pictures is okay); on food, as a vegan I obviously disagree with Al’s point about eating meat, you don’t need it, just buy chickpeas, lentils and beans in cans and add one to whatever you are cooking but that’s for another discussion, his objections about plant milk are also ridiculous and show his lack of knowledge on nutrition (which he admits).

Zen Mind Strong Body: http://library.lol/main/1B5213C86F42E25E19A00F9543E5F746 Pushing the Limits: http://library.lol/main/7D28F6317FB300292E46DD2D6887BCDC Diamond Cut Abs (great book on how to train your midsection): http://library.lol/main/8FFA880F23F23D222FEDE7E111303E56

Another to read with those is Convict Conditioning, it needs a few warnings though: I would advise you to stick with the Kavadlo’s philosophy unless you want to dedicate a lot more time to training. CC is about getting strong quick in a hostile environment. It is however a great bible of sorts with lots of explanation of basic concepts of how to train using only your body and has great descriptions of the different exercises. The coach’s focus on very slow execution of each rep is not as important as he makes it out to be from what I have read elsewhere but it’s still good to keep it in mind: don’t cheat by using the movement of your previous rep, whatever the exercise. You can do this from time (like a sprint of sorts) but strive to keep the form and to do clean reps most of the time.

Convict Conditioning: http://library.lol/main/2E5273EE8AE2E8A63F491E18327EEFB5 There are videos of the exercises: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpAChiQOEnUSVp4Lnjdl0KH__LqiLKRtP

To be clear, these books are not workouts, they explain how to work out. They have example routines that you can follow but you should modify them depending on your goal and the way you feel. Same thing for progression, when you feel like an exercise is getting too easy, try the next one. Also those are books I use, coupled with a whole food vegan diet I have been achieving my goals. Hope this helps.


Normal arguments have already been made multiple times but non-vegans don’t care. But just in case you do care there it is:

Animalsfeel anguish and pain just as we do. They can be traumatized just as we can. The only real difference is that they are more vulnerable than us. They are not commodities and should not be treated like this. On top of that, we do not even need to eat them, we just do out of habit and because companies worth billions need us to keep doing it.


Not this again… I swear you people don’t have basic reading comprehension:

horse fucking is bad because you lack consent from the horse, therefore infringing on animal consent is bad which means that exploiting them is bad.

Not that hard to understand unless you are willfully obtuse.
