[he/they] not a real person
Assurance: Medicine precludes the need to roll altogether, and honestly is a near-mandatory pick for the tabletime it saves. You might save a little in-universe time by manually rolling with a high modifier, but unless your campaign is running at breakneck pacing, the difference isn’t worth the real time spent. Recall Knowledge checks with medicine are the only reason I’d want to manually roll, and Anatomy Lore covers a huge swathe of that subject anyway.
All that to say, ehhhh its probably fine to brew up that Medicine->Anatomy Lore feat. I wouldnt reccomend doing something similar for any other skills though.
Ranged characters work better for party comps with good CC. Being able to put a full-sized Entangle between the party and a dangerous enemy kicks ass, unless your party members all start scrambling through the weeds to thwack enemies with big sticks.
I dunno, i appreciate being able to gloss over certain mundane actions with the shared understandings of common actions. Shopping, for instance, takes loads more time when everyone’s in storyteller mode, and you never really know how many more sessions you’ve got before a scheduling error comes up. Best to keep the routine parts brief.
Schmoozing a merchant for a better deal is best handled with a persuasion check, assuming getting a good deal isnt an important part of the campaign.
i cant prove that im not, and actually prefer the ambiguity as to whether i am or not, eheh
damn, someones got a grudge against monks at wotc. I remember my one foray into monk back when i played 5e was pretty miserable, now they’re becoming worse?
Fucking love that my group is basically all the second guy. We’ve all taken the GM spot at one point.
hell yeah. d12 best dX
After the horrors of 3.5e/PF1e, I just can’t go back to another Human PC. Every PC was a human, because they were the only ones who got another flexible feat slot, and there were a LOT of feat taxes.
The metagame artifacts from pf1e were my favorite way of implementing home rules. No, your wizard buddy didnt suddenly become comatose because their player had to do something IRL, the Scar of Destiny whisked them away at a bad time, just as it always threatens to do to you.