Gorka [he/him]
No affiliation should be drawn between myself and the traitorous imposter known as “Gorkalegion”.
I would like to remind you, Mx. Bear, that I have all my lockphrases right here in this very trapper-keeper! No website downtime can stop GORKA! AHAHAHAHA!
but seriously, look into password managers they’re a lifesaver and make interfacing with the global computer network 60% more convenient. The upfront tedium of getting it set up is worth it.
's not my fault the LDS church won’t let go of gender ideology
they’re sleepwalking, afraid of body-craft, jumping at embers
they don’t see the long ones they’re casting
Busy Desert Sugar Bees draining the salt lake
What happens to Yellowstone when old faithful stops telling time?
:loop: Stardust, this is getting frustrating, just ask for help from your family party already
It feels good to laugh. It feels good to cry. That was my master stroak. Croak croak croak. See you around Mx. Heaxbear.
Yrs G,
GORKA never left the left. I hang about it, like a specter – for what could be more frightening, Ms. Hexbear? You claim to be the ghost of communism, haunting the world? Well I, GORKA, haunt the hantee. I am a spector two-fold --nay!-- a spector squared! Shall I rattle my chains at thee? Muahahahaha!!!
Because I value your rivalry, Ms. Hexbear, I shall reveal one more detail:
I never specified our would-be vee-pee was living!
For while you debauched fiends of the left may have your “Juche Necromancy”, 'tis but a child’s parlor trick compared to the dark arts of…
The Dragon of Budapest!!!
I made no such authorization for this memo. Rest assured, my dear Ms. Bear, your delightful little blog posses no threat to the Vitezi Rend… yes, to imply otherwise would out oneself as nothing more than… an IMPOSTER!
As the kids of these final days say, “Sus Sebastian”.
Suspicious, indeed…