The joke goes deeper. Comrade, I bet you know STASI. The big secret service of GDR. They knew that the NSA was spying whole germany. They wrote whole files about it. They knew everything. I bet the secret services of west-germany also knew, but they didn’t care or couldn’t say anything. Anyways. Let’s skip some time… The best germany yet lost the cold war, the unification with capitalistic germany let Nazis rise again… Let me skip some more time. They founded the Stasi-Unterlagen-Archiv, a capitalistic german instititution, which only task was to tape and glue all scraps of paper the Stasi left and one former enemy of the GDR became it’s leader. This leader was later known Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck, who is mostly known for his stupid comments, which he makes nearly every second day, till now - Anyways… This Joachim Gauck got his hands on the files, which the Stasi wrote about the NSA and spying all germany. What did he do? He didn’t make it public, he just sent the files to the USA. End of story. There’s not much left on the internet, but here you go:
You didn’t understand it, comrade. If you’re saying Israel has no right to exist your focus is not on point. Why do you have the urge to mock about Israel all time? It’s a waste of time. It’s the job of the citizens of Israel to do a revolution, not yours. Your job is to start a revolution in your state. You’re wasting time and resources. You can mock about Israel, if you have the power in your state, but not now.