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Now games are developed in a way to let the player win, because the idea is that if you paid $60 you should win. Attention spans have definitely decreased and dying and starting over again makes today’s gamers angry. Back then we just felt it was our fault and if we could just get better we could win. Now it’s the game’s fault.
Arcade games were the way they were because they were modeled on the old carnival midway games. Pay your coin, play for a couple of minutes and move on to the next one.
Console games were the way they were because back then, challenge was something you expected when playing a game. You were supposed to gain mastery of the game over repeated plays over months. Today, nobody has any patience to gain mastery at a game and they expect to win because they paid for the game. This is why interactive movies and walking simulators are so popular.
“There are said to be some victors who take no pleasure in a victory unless their opponents are as fierce as tigers or eagles: if their adversaries are as timid as sheep or chickens they find their triumph empty.”
– Lu Xun, “The True Story of Ah-Q” https://www.marxists.org/archive/lu-xun/1921/12/ah-q/ch04.htm
Oh, console games. I thought you meant DOS games.
Rental games sucked because how are you supposed to figure out how to play with no manual?
This was definitely written by a real leftist, there’s too much authenticity in there. Especially the wordiness and citing a bunch of political trends and philosophers that chuds have never heard of. “Bernsteinians” for example. The way leftists treat chuds is easily explained because it is how you treat The Other. Anyone have a link to that greentext he’s talking about?
Ad for Salem? Traditional Chinese? Low-flying airplane? When was this taken, back when Kai Tak was open?
I ran down that thread pretty far and all I saw was “Do it! They’d love it!”
Of course the journalist has to write a story about a Twitter thread and put the worst possible face on Americans showing kindness to one another.
More recently there was a bunch of puritanical zoomers claiming that wanting to fuck your partner was transphobic.
All I saw was the standard “nobody owes you sex, fuck off incel” discourse, which by now is standard and expected any time a man isn’t getting sex from his wife.