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I think the main idea is that the colonial state is going to wither away on its own because zionists are already leaving due to how unsafe it is for them to be there, and by the time a two state solution would be implemented, this will have already reached a point where those people will not return and anyone like them who remains will want to leave even more because they have had their colonial project taken away. This will lead to an inevitable one state for Palestine because all the euros will flee and Palestine will have a majority and keep gaining power in the area, while the colony is fully weakened, loses a lot of population, and by then maybe even a lot of external funding.

China having this position makes sense because they are trying to be taken seriously as a mediator and the two state solution is the closest thing to a good deal for Palestinians that is actually being considered at the moment, but the average communist position should absolutely be an end to the zionist state entirely. If China adopted a one state policy in favor of Palestine, they wouldn’t be included in any serious negotiating because that is obviously not something one of the parties in the negotiation wants to accept at the moment.


I would purge any self identifying information but otherwise it doesn’t really matter.


yeah they have totally incoherent ideologies which are all centered around selfishness, and again, thinking they are smarter and better than people who don’t know whatever they know. They reinvent eugenics every time.


Your premise is that China had already achieved socialism and then went backwards towards capitalism but in reality they were a semi-feudal semi-colonized agrarian state, had a communist revolution, and began building towards socialism which is a process that takes generations. If socialism comes after capitalism and capitalism comes after feudalism, it means that with China being a feudal pre-industrial society during their revolution, they must enter into and move through a capitalist phase to develop and expand the means of production and socialize labor in order to create the conditions to build socialism. Socialism can not be built directly out of feudalism, just like capitalism couldn’t come directly out of slave economies.

The key is that the entire capitalist phase of China was controlled by a Communist party with the express goal of building socialism, unlike every capitalist nation without a dictatorship of the proletariat, where the express goal was to build capitalism in order to make money for the capitalists. It should be obvious at this point if you look at the metrics: Chinese people have a higher quality of life, more purchasing power, greater social welfare, and virtually none of the key social problems that the capitalist core countries have, despite the capitalist countries having vastly more developed economies earlier and vastly more resources readily available through colonial plunder and chattel slavery. China is very clearly run by true Communists because if not, they wouldn’t have any of these things, and would look more like India or any other nation in the Global South.


I know a lot of free software people and they are fascist, NED regime change type libs who think they are smarter and better than everyone else. Many of them have backgrounds working for the government in some degree or another, and then they move on to NGOs and the like.


Aside from what has been said, it is important to keep in mind that the distribution of apps is controlled by companies that you would likely be boycotting (plus their allies) which could mean that the primary means of getting to people such as the play stores could ban the app and make it highly unlikely to spread very far. Having alternative distribution plans and back up plans for these types of scenarios from the outset would be wise
