KimJongFun [he/him]
I remembering voting for treasurer or some shit of a state with no income tax and both of the fuckers we had to choose from were center right “independent” business school freak types who had basically the same platform, which was “absolutely do not, under any circumstances, make the tax code less regressive.” That was the first time it really sunk in for me how absolutely little voting mattered
Horror, because an army that cannot wage a high-tech war, relatively low on collateral damage, will wage a low-tech war, appallingly high on such damage. Ukraine, by its own estimates, is suffering 20,000 casualties a month. By contrast, the U.S. suffered about 36,000 casualties in Iraq over seven years of war.
That’s cool. How many Iraqis died in our humane, high-tech war? What’s that? Hundreds of thousands? As a low-ball, you say? Huh.
Lost your gun? Don’t worry, I found it: :stalin-gun-1::stalin-gun-2:
The city really needs to do something about that homeless encampment
Excuse me. Young man? You see that?” (points to a glorious beautiful patch of California native plants, protected by law) "That is disrespect. Dis-re-spect. Against me. Against my country. You know what you should do about that. You don’t want a war with me
Did you manage to keep a straight face to hear more of this wonderful brain’s thoughts?