KimJongFun [he/him]
Absolutely fucking typical they make you pay 30 bucks for a hot dog and a glass of shitty beer and then won’t even give their employees a living wage.
Honestly fucked up the Dems aren’t even loyal enough to let Feinstein of all people go out with some dignity. She’s a fucking California Democrat, it’s not like there’s not a thousand other ghouls waiting to fill those shoes
And that’s not even getting into Joe Biden lmao
The Republican Party is a fascist threat to democracy and the future of this country and the world, which is why we must get married to them
This is usually a very welcoming and accepting place
I’ve played Rocket League
That’s why their memes are all ironic and detached and self-referential and 12 layers deep, because truth is completely dead to them and they know it.
:side-eye-1: :side-eye-2:
“No aid for 6+ months”
Huh. What about the other 115 months?