Maaskarpone [they/them]
I don’t promote diet change. I promote ethical changes (entailing a value change, ideological change and behavioural changes) and continued acts of solidarity with various disenfranchised groups, working towards living radically different social relations into existence and changing social structure.
A really basic and easy act of solidarity for most people is a plantbased diet. Any vegan worth their salt would be an animal rights advocate and leftist. (Lib veganism doesn’t make sense and neither does leftwing carnism.)
Please can you re-read what I just spent the time writing out, including the edit.
How can it purely be a consumptive choice?
What about medicine? Also:
What about pets? Think of all the abuse these animals go through because of their commodification. Instead of treating them as beings with subjectivity, they are commodified for our own purposes. Think of the puppy mills, cat mills, bunnies yadda yadda yadda.
Veganism and anticapitalism align very closely.
Did you read what I compiled for you? I guess not.
Why do you expect me to act like a lib and say pretty please when it so evidently doesn’t get any results?
I linked you a list of Holocaust survivors speaking out on behalf of bondaged animals. Now, go do your homework by opening the link.
I did all the homework for you. The least you can do is actually read it.
Or does the lived experiences of Holocaust survivors not matter to you?
inb4: (to aph0t1c) no way! you must be white!
Before you are dismissed with racist prejudices.
Many Holocaust survivors or their families are begging carnists to go vegan for the reason of the animal holocaust.
The literature agrees with vegans and denounces carnist values, ideology, behaviour, relationships and social organisation.
Here is a compilation of Holocaust survivors or their families calling out carnists. Carnists are génocidaires, which is material fact.
I just remembered the omni majority silencing the indigenous vegans on the site for speaking up about veganism. Oof. So many hypocritical.