Questionsleep [des/pair]
Are you fucking kidding me
Anyone have good recs to learn more about this? Books, articles, vids, podcasts, etc work for me
You’re definitely right. The rampant advertising on Reddit and other sites feels even more insidious than out front advertising like what you hear on podcasts. A podcast has never made me inclined to buy something but I’ve made db purchases through the “organic” advertising of reddit and other forums, probably bc the format makes it seem like a nice fellow human making a suggestion and not a company blatantly trying to profit
I don’t understand how mastodon works and at this point I’m too afraid to ask. Maybe it’s best for my :sicko-luna: brain and my overall mental health if I don’t know how to get the latest and greatest internet slop
Why would I pay $29.99 for a book when I can just visit my pals at zlib
Big oooof
jesus what a failed state
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